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Collaborating with a dedicated team of teachers, authors, subject specialists and data experts, Hachette Learning is the market leader in delivering assessments that accurately track progress, support teacher judgements and inform future teaching and learning.

The right assessment for you

  • Standardised

  • SEN

  • Diagnostic

Standardised on thousands of test submissions and designed in collaboration with expert authors, teachers, and pupils, our assessments provide in-depth insight into performance and make tracking progress easy.

  • Choose the best assessment format from National-Test-style assessments, online and interactive auto-marked tests, or termly papers.
  • Gain consistently reliable insights at learner, class, and school levels.
  • Easily share relevant information from our online reporting tool with stakeholders.

Standardised Assessments

SEN Assessments

Diagnostic Assessments

Your Assessment Data Toolkit

Hachette Learning assessments power Boost Insights, a free enhanced reporting platform, that gives actionable insights into progress and attainment in your school, saving you admin time.

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Boost Insights Learner Report on a silver laptop

The complete intervention scheme

Shine Interventions takes your learners' assessment results and provides you with tailored and targeted interventions, learning sequences and teacher resources, saving you time and delivering results.

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Hear from us

Curriculum changes. New materials. Price discounts and unmissable offers. We’ll make sure you don’t miss a thing with regular email updates, tailored by subject and age group.