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New PiRA

Standardised termly reading assessments for learners aged 4–11. Available in print and digital format with free reporting and test data analysis.
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New PiRA (Progress in Reading Assessment) is a termly reading assessment for ages 411, standardised on over 10,000 learners to reliably benchmark performance and track progress against national averages. 

New PiRA features colourful papers and diverse characters to engage young learners and conceptualise reading problems, carefully written to ensure a steady progression in demand. Confidently assess all national curriculum content domains and generate thorough and consistent diagnostic profiles for your learners.

Why choose New PiRA?

  • Reliable outcomes

  • Clear reporting

  • Targeted interventions

  • Easy to administer

New PiRA assessments have followed a rigorous standardisation process to ensure they provide valid and reliable data outcomes to measure attainment and track progress.

  • Standardised on a nationally (UK) representative sample of over 10,000 pupils in 2019/20/21.
  • Automatically generated Standardised Scores allow you to compare performance against national averages.
  • Age-standardised Scores show how a learner is performing against children of the same age, calculated in years and months.
  • Reading Ages measure the age at which each learner's performance is typical and provide useful reference points when discussing performance with parents.
  • Hodder Scale Scores help to track progress for learners who are working outside of their age range but continue to make small increments of progress.

Download the Digital Evaluation Pack

View sample pages, assessment maps and learn more about the data insights provided by New PiRA in our digital evaluation pack.

Gain actionable assessment data insights

Harness the power of Boost Insights, our test data analysis platform, free to access alongside New PiRA.
Instantly generate reports for individual learners, groups or whole schools and build a comprehensive profile of progress and attainment in your school or MAT.
Find out more

Unlock diagnostically driven reading interventions

Effectively plug knowledge gaps with Shine Interventions, driven by learners' New PiRA assessment results.
Instantly identify learners with gaps in their knowledge and download targeted interventions in a click!
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About the Authors

Colin McCarty

Colin McCarty was a teacher for 25 years before taking on the role of Project Director of National Curriculum test development for KS2 and KS3 from their inception. He has written a wide range of standardised assessments covering reading, writing, SPaG, mathematics and science. He is passionate about providing high quality, diagnostic information that assists teachers and supports children’s learning. Colin believes that summative and diagnostic information leads to data richness, which underpins assessment.

Kate Ruttle

Kate Ruttle has over 30 years’ experience as a primary teacher, SENCO and deputy head. She has also worked for local authorities as an advisory teacher and consultant for literacy and inclusion. Kate has over 25 years’ experience of writing for schools and the Department for Education. She has been involved in reading and test development and writing for the National Tests, and has curriculum development experience. Alongside qualifications such as: MEd in educational research (Cambridge); NPQH; CCET (certificate of competence in educational testing); Level 7 in Assessing and Teaching Specific Learning Difficulties, Kate is also a school improvement coach and Chair of Governors for KS1.

Marie Lallaway

Marie teaches in a middle school and has extensive experience as a curriculum leader for English across KS2–KS4. As well as contributing to the development of materials for national tests, she has created assessment materials for reading, writing and grammar across KS1–KS3 and has led marking and reporting processes for SATs-style tests across KS2.

What teachers are saying...

  • If you want to invest in something that reduces teacher workload and improves overall outcomes for children, then the flexibility of this assessment system is something worth considering.
    Jill Wood, Headteacher
    Little London Community Primary School
  • The children love the bright designs and the characters within the tests. They feel incredibly comfortable as the papers look and feel familiar and use language that they are well used to.
    Mrs C. Coates, Headteacher
    Griffydam Primary School
  • They are very easy to administer and guidance is clear. Pupils find them easy to use as they follow the same format each time.
    Mrs C. Bromley, Headteacher
    Lamberhurst St Mary’s Church of England Primary School
  • The tests have been the most useful investment we've made, certainly in terms of assessment, in the eight years I've led the school.
    Sue Stamp, Headteacher
    Long Crendon School
  • (W)e need to communicate with parents and they understand ages more so than standardised scores. It’s powerful to talk to a parent about supporting their 11yr old child with reading at home if we can say they have a reading age that doesn't align.
    Deputy Head & Assessment Lead
    Riverside Primary School

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