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NTS (National Test-Style Standardised) Assessments: Reading are termly reading assessments for ages 5–11, designed to predict performance and familiarise learners with National Tests whilst measuring progress and attainment against national averages.
Written by experienced National Test authors, NTS Assessment papers are formatted to reflect SATs papers in content, format and demand. Confidently assess all national curriculum content domains and generate thorough and consistent diagnostic profiles for your learners whilst helping to prepare them for their National Tests.
Why choose NTS Assessments: Reading?
Reliable outcomes
Prepare for National Tests
Clear reporting
Targeted interventions
NTS Assessments have followed a rigorous standardisation process to ensure they provide valid and reliable data outcomes to measure attainment and track progress.
- Standardised on a nationally (UK) representative sample of over 7,000 children in 2018/19.
- Automatically generated Standardised Scores allow you to compare performance against national averages.
- Age-standardised Scores show how a learner is performing against children of the same age, calculated in years and months.
- Reading Ages measure the age at which each learner's performance is typical and provide useful reference points when discussing performance with parents.
Download the Digital Evaluation Pack
View sample pages, assessment maps and learn more about the data insights provided by NTS Assessments: Reading in our digital evaluation pack.
- Identify strengths and weaknesses at a strand and question level for individual learners, classes or groups to inform targeted teaching.
Track learner progress
Easily track the performance of learners over time with progress reports, comparing overall results and strand performance across multiple termly tests.Predict National Test success
Predict the likelihood of success in National Tests with a high degree of accuracy. Our latest study analyses over 1,000 pupils' NTS Assessments and SATs results.Read latest study
Gain actionable assessment data insights
Harness the power of Boost Insights, our test data analysis platform, free to access alongside NTS Assessments.
Instantly generate reports for individual learners, groups or whole schools and build a comprehensive profile of progress and attainment in your school or MAT.
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Unlock diagnostically driven reading interventions
Effectively plug knowledge gaps with Shine Interventions, driven by learners' NTS Assessments: Reading results.
Instantly identify learners with gaps in their knowledge and download targeted interventions in a click!
About the Authors
Madeleine Barnes
Madeleine has over 20 years’ teaching and leadership experience in primary education and is now a full time English consultant. Madeleine works with various providers in the development of both KS1 and KS2 SATs tests and has over 12 years’ experience in the external marking of KS2 papers. She is also a KS2 writing moderator. Madeleine is passionate about ‘getting it right’ for children.
Shareen Wilkinson (nee) Mayers
Shareen is a primary English consultant and experienced primary teacher. She advises at national level and is currently a DfE subject specialist for reading and grammar (KS1 and KS2). For seven years, she was a part of the Expert Review.
Siobhan Skeffington
Siobhan has extensive experience in primary English as a classroom teacher, working with children of all age ranges over the past 28 years. She is also an author and an educational consultant and works on the KS1 and KS2 pre-tests, leading a team in KS1 and KS2 test development and attending Expert Review panels for English, maths and science. Siobhan writes, edits and reviews a variety of materials for the new curriculum. She has been a KS2 SATs marker and team leader for reading for 10 years.
Marie Lallaway
Marie teaches in a middle school and has extensive experience as a curriculum leader for English across KS2–KS4. As well as contributing to the development of materials for national tests, she has created assessment materials for reading, writing and grammar across KS1–KS3 and has led marking and reporting processes for SATs-style tests across KS2.
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