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Basic Number Screening Test

A quick, reliable assessment focusing on children's understanding of number and number operations.
BNST logo in a pink circle with a teal rim

Basic Number Screening Test (BNST) is a quick, reliable, standardised assessment focusing on a learner's understanding of numbers and number operations. Delivered orally, BNST accurately reflects a learners’ maths ability by assessing numeracy skills rather than reading ability – perfect for tracking the progress of lower-ability readers, learners who may have suspected learning difficulties and less-able learners who are 11+.

Print with digital marksheets and online reporting
Updated in 2022Restandardised in 2022 for up-to-date data.

Recommended by Catch Up

Catch Up is a not-for-profit charity established to help learners who struggle with literacy and numeracy. 

Recommended by Catch Up Badge

Why choose BNST?

  • Track progress over time

  • Quickly identify gaps in number knowledge

  • Generate quick and accurate data

Flexible, easy to administer and backed up by reports, BNST enables you to track progress over time:

  • Parallel forms help you closely monitor the progress of less-able learners at a cadence of your choosing. You can test monthly, termly or yearly to track progress.
  • Reports in Boost Insights give you oversight into past performance on the test and areas where learners are improving and not improving. 
  • Identify whole school, cohort and individual trends to determine areas of success and improvement.

Core features

  • Parallel forms

    Track progress over time by re-assessing with the parallel forms. You can administer BNST pre- and post-intervention to assess impact.
  • Enhanced reporting

    Get actionable insights from your test results like standardised scores by syncing BNST with Boost Insights.
    Learn more
  • Digital marksheets

    Digital marksheets, hosted in Boost Insights, make your marking quick and easy.
  • Updated standardisation

    Recently standardised against a representative sample and aligned with the DfE's Ready to Progress criteria.
  • Verbally delivered

    Assess understanding of number and number operations, not reading ability by verbally delivering the questions. Learners then write their answers down.

Download the brochure

If you would like to learn about use cases for BNST, please download our brochure today.

BNST cover image

What schools say about BNST

  • I would really recommend it. From being able to identify learning gaps early on... to being able to easily get clear information about how the children are doing, I think that this is a well thought out, really useful diagnostic tool for schools.
    Catrin Tingle
    Extended Leadership Team Member, Nine Acres Primary School
  • BNST is very useful as a baseline test for interventions and checking the effectiveness of the interventions as there are two strands to the test. It is also useful to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses in children. The test is easy and quick to administer – it can be done in groups/whole classes which makes it time efficient. It is also easy to make and results can be seen in standardised scores or maths age.
    SENCo & SLT
    The Rissington School

Check out SNAP Maths

If BNST identifies learners who are significantly behind in their maths learning, SNAP Maths can help you to identify other barriers that could be impacting their maths learning including specific maths learning difficulties/dyscalculia and maths anxiety.

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