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Non-Reading Intelligence Tests

Pinpoint learners with a high underlying ability regardless of their reading level.
Non-reading intelligence tests typed out in a teal circle

Non-Reading Intelligence Tests assess aspects of language and thinking that are not necessarily represented in the standard measures of learner attainment, and help you pinpoint low-achieving and slow-reading learners who may have high underlying ability.


Why choose Non-Reading Intelligence Tests?

  • Identify low performing learners

  • Quick and simple to administer

  • Results are easy to understand

Non-Reading Intelligence Tests pinpoint underachieving learners who may not perform due to anxiety with reading.

  • You or your team orally present the test to the learner, enabling general ability to be assessed independent of reading ability.
  • Engages slow-reading learners and makes the assessment process more equitable.

Core features

  • Oral Tests

    Tests are presented orally to enable poor readers to do their best.
  • Test separate age groups

    Each age group has three suitable tests.

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