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What's included in the series?
Student Books (paperbacks and eBooks)
Boost digital resources
Encourage students to engage with Catholic Religious Education at KS3 and enable them to understand, discern and respond to key concepts and ideas - our accessible Student Books are available in paperback and eBook formats and have been designed specifically for Key Stage 3.
All three Spirit and Life Student Books have received an Imprimatur and have been endorsed by the Catholic Education Service.
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Our digital teaching and learning packages are designed to save you planning and preparation time and help you to deliver engaging lessons.
Access a wide range of ready-made resources, many of which can be edited for your own needs, available on our user-friendly, easy-to-navigate digital platform.
See what's included in the Spirit and Life Boost packages with our helpful infographics.

What are teachers saying?
I think the book is great! The activity tasks are excellent and really help when planning lessons. The simple layout makes it easy to follow.
RE Teacher St Gregory's Catholic Science CollegeI am impressed by the extensiveness of the keywords covered ... [and] the fact that this textbook has a couple of extra pages on a topic where needed in order to ensure that all key information is covered. In summary, the content in Spirit and Life Book 1 is great, and the tasks and discussion/debate question prompts are superb.
Eamonn Hyde Head of Religious StudiesIt has been carefully mapped against the new RED and gives pupils a comprehensive understanding of some of the more difficult knowledge aspects. The "think" boxes throughout the textbook offer pupils a high level of questioning enabling them to think deeply about the topic presented.
KS3 Co-ordinator St Paul’s Catholic SchoolVery clearly presented, lots of information. Nice choice of images. Tasks are clearly explained and with just right amount of challenge.
RE Teacher The Catholic High School, ChesterIt has a very well laid out format, with good use of sacred text and artwork. Very good questioning, both in comprehension and evaluation questions.
Head of RE Holyrood Academy
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