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OCR A Level History: The American Revolution 1740-1796 and The USA in the 19th Century 1803–1890

OCR A Level History: The American Revolution 1740-1796 and The USA in the 19th Century 1803–1890

Author(s): Mike Wells, Nicholas Fellows

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OCR A Level History: The American Revolution 1740-1796 and The USA in the 19th Century 1803–1890

  • Published: 27th July 2018
  • ISBN: 9781510416512
  • Pages: 232 pages
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OCR A Level History: The American Revolution 1740-1796 and The USA in the 19th Century 1803–1890 Boost eBook

  • Published: 10th November 2022
  • ISBN: 9781398370197
1 Year Access
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