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Progress in Geography

Put progression at the heart of your curriculum with this hugely popular KS3 course from David Gardner, a leading authority in the Geography community.
Progress in Geography

Fully reviewed and updated – with three new units – this forward-thinking course will fascinate young geographers, incorporating many diverse voices and exploring ‘big ideas’ such as place, the Earth’s systems, the impact of colonialism and the complexities of development.

  • Textbook (available in paperback and eBook formats)
  • Boost digital teaching and learning resources
  • Write-in Workbooks
  • Skills and Fieldwork books

View our sample

Contains material from several chapters of the textbook, plus Workbook 1.

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Free supporting resources

Download resources to support the Second Edition of Progress in Geography.

COMING SOON - New Curriculum Handbook

Coming soon: A curriculum design handbook explaining the curriculum intent and implementation strategies used to create Progress in Geography. 

Sample pages from the handbook will be available in the next few weeks. Check back soon for an update!

About the textbook

Fully reviewed and updated – with three new units – this forward-thinking course will fascinate young geographers, incorporating many diverse voices and exploring ‘big ideas’ such as place, the Earth’s systems, the impact of colonialism and the complexities of development.

  • Choose the most cost‐effective course

    With 180 ready-made lessons in a single book, Progress in Geography provides a full three-year KS3. The free accompanying Progression Framework maps progress from Year 7 to Year 9, across the National Curriculum and towards the GCSE Assessment Objectives.
  • Ensure progress in geographical skills, knowledge and understanding

    Every lesson and every unit builds upon prior learning and links to future learning, fully embedding geographical enquiry. Each double-page spread represents one lesson, with rich geographical resources, up-to-date data and case studies for pupils to interpret, analyse and evaluate.
  • Align with Ofsted’s expectations

    Curriculum expert David Gardner has fully integrated disciplinary, substantive and procedural knowledge, as recommended in Ofsted’s 2023 Geography Subject Report and the GA Curriculum Framework.
  • Assess and demonstrate pupil progress

    Ideal for formative assessment, lesson activities create a stepped approach to enquiry learning, guiding pupils through the geographical data as they answer each lesson’s enquiry question. End-of-unit review lessons create a reflection point, facilitating medium-term summative assessment and giving a broader view of progress.
  • Lay firm foundations for GCSE

    Key vocabulary, command words and concepts are introduced gradually, preparing pupils for the content and question types they will encounter at GCSE, with a particular focus on analysis and evaluation, plus newly added decision-making activities.

Introducing Progress in Geography: KS3

A webinar for anyone who is new to the series. Author David Gardner introduces the Progress in Geography resources and discusses their relation to progression, curriculum design, the National Curriculum, Ofsted's expectations and much more.
Watch the webinar
Introducing Progress in Geography: KS3

Geographical data

"In schools where practice was strongest, pupils were given authentic geographical data and taught how to use it to answer geographical questions."

Ofsted, Getting our bearings: geography subject report, 2023

Progress in Geography is packed full of geographical data. Our infographic shows all the different types.

View the infographic

What's new? Progress in Geography: KS3

A webinar for anyone who already follows the Progress in Geography course and has been using the First Edition. Author David Gardner explains the key changes in the Second Edition, including clearer progression and closer alignment with Ofsted's expectations.
Watch the webinar
What's new? Progress in Geography: KS3

Accompanying resources

  • Textbook

  • Boost digital resources

  • Boost eBook

  • Workbooks

  • Skills & Fieldwork books

The popular Progress in Geography textbook has been fully reviewed and updated and now includes three new units.

With 180 ready-made lessons in a single book, it provides a full three-year Key Stage 3. Every lesson and every unit builds upon prior learning and links to future learning, fully embedding geographical enquiry.

Products in the Series

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First Edition still available

Those currently using the first edition of Progress in Geography can top up on textbooks and workbooks or renew their Boost subscription.

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Reviews of the First Edition

  • An excellent resource - student friendly and really helpful for embedding key skills for GCSE Geography throughout KS3.
    Head of Geography
    St Aidan's C of E High School
  • Progress in Geography: Key Stage 3 is an outstanding book that provides excellent curriculum structure and content that supports and follows the National Curriculum. The double-page spreads are colourful and engaging, which our students love. Questions are thought provoking and challenging. We cannot recommend this book enough!
    Head of Humanities
    Meridian High School
  • Where this book focuses on places, it builds on holistic understanding that links physical and human geography. It meets the requirements of the KS3 curriculum well, making use of contemporary issues such as climate change and the Paris Agreement.
    Highly commended by the GA
    Geographical Association
  • The OS maps on the cover of the new Progress in Geography textbook are very useful in classroom teaching as they are easily accessible and can be used as both key learning and extension tasks. Students are really enjoying using them. In addition, up-to-date material gives students greater awareness of the relevance of Geography as a subject.
    Head of Geography
    Bryngwyn School
  • The best KS3 book we have ever received. Spot on knowledge and case studies.
    Geography Lead
    Trinity Academy

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