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We are proud to work closely with the Independent Schools Examinations Board (ISEB) who endorse many of our books so you can be confident our resources are aligned to the latest specifications.

How we work with ISEB
Many Hodder Education resources are endorsed by ISEB, which means that they have been edited and/or approved by a member of the ISEB examination setting team for the relevant subject.
The ISEB CE Exam
Find out more about the Common Entrance exams on the ISEB website.
11+ Common Entrance
Pupils sit the CE assessment at 11+ when they are in Year 6, mainly for entrance to senior independent girls’ schools. Pupils will sit exams in three subjects in either the Spring or Autumn term in Year 6.

13+ Common Entrance
The 13+ Common Entrance exam is taken by Year 8 pupils applying for entry into independent senior schools.
Pupils will sit the 13+ exam in either the Spring or, more commonly, the Summer term. 13+ papers produced in the Autumn term are generally used for practice or mock exams.
Pupils will sit knowledge and skill-based exams in up to 12 subjects, most of which are available at different levels.

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